technical education matters

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book references

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To complement the history of technical and commercial examinations a comprehensive glossary of terms is included to assist the reader.

The History of Technical and Commercial Examinations – Appendices

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The History of Technical and Commercial Examinations

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Thomas Huxley (1825-1895)

Author, Biologist, Educator and Research Scientist.

Thomas Huxley was b

Skills for the Future – Is the current agenda valid?

Skills still seem to be a top priority for the government, but are the strategies and policies being developed correct? Lots of resources e.g.

Science Teaching – the continuing crisis?

The long running concerns about science and mathematics teaching and the number of students studying these subjects in this country continues but show little evidence of being resolved at all stage

A Short History of Technical Education – Appendices

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To add value to the histories I have included a number of appendices that will hopefully provide additional information and background about technical education and training and technical and comme