The following references have proved useful in writing this history of technical and commercial examinations. A far more comprehensive set of references can to be found on the book references on the chapter for the History of Technical Education. I will continue to update.
April 2017
Abbott, A. ‘Education for Industry and Commerce in England’. OUP. 1933.
Argles, M. ‘South Kensington to Robbins’. An Account of English Technical and Scientific Education since 1851. ISBN 10-0582323835. Longmans. 1964.
Armytage, W. H. G. ‘Four Hundred Years of English Education’. ASIN 12 TYHHVY. CUP. 1965.
Beaumont, G. ‘Review of 100 NQVs and SVQs’. London. DfEE. 1995
Belcher, V. ‘ The City Parochial Foundation 1891-1991: a Trust for the Poor of London’. Scolar Press. Aldershot. 1991.
Brereton, J. L. ‘The Case for Examinations’. CUP. 1944.
Bruce, C. ‘Secondary School Examinations. Facts and Commentary’. Oxford, Peramon. 1969.
Burke, J. W. ‘Competency Based Education and Training’. ISBN 1-85000-625-1. The Falmer Press. 1990.
Butterworth, H. ‘The Inauguration of the Whitworth Scholarships’. The Vocational Aspect of Education. 2 c1970. Pages 35-39.
Cantor, L. M and Roberts, I. F. ‘Further Education Today, a Critical Review’. ISBN. 0 7100-0412 5. RKP. 1979.
Cantor, L. M. ‘Vocational Education and Training in the Developed World: A Comparative Study.’ ISBN 0-415-02542-7. London. Taylor and Francis. London. 1989.
Capey, J. ‘GNVQ Assessment Review’. London. NCVQ, 1995.
Cardwell, D. S. L. ‘Artisan to Graduate’. ISBN 0 7190 1272-4. Manchester University Press. 1974.
Chapman, C. R. ‘ The Growth of British Education and Records’. Lochin Publishing, Dursley. 1991.
City and Guilds. ‘City and Guilds Reflections Past and Present’. A. Sich. CGLI 2000.
City and Guilds. ‘City and Guilds A Short History 1878-1992’. ISBN 0 85193 010 7. CGLI .1993.
College of Preceptors. ‘Fifty Years of Progress in Education’. 1896/97.
Cronin, B. ‘Technology, Industrial Conflict and the Development of Technical Education in 19th Century England’. ISBN 0 7546 0313 X. Ashgate. 2001.
Curtis, J. ‘A Summary of TVEI’. Technical and Vocational Education Review. ED. 1991.
Dearing, R. ‘Review of Qualifications for 16-19 Year Olds’. London. SCAA. 1996
Dent, H. C. ‘Part Time Education in Great Britain’. ASIN B0010XTDYU. Turnstile Pres. 1949.
DES. ‘Ordinary and Advanced Diplomas’. London. DES. 1991.
Dobinson, C. H. ‘Technical Education for Adolescents’. University of London Press. 1951.
DoE. ‘A New Training Initiative. An Agenda for Action’. London. HMSO. 1981.
DoE. ‘Working together – Education and Training’. London HMSO. 1986.
Dore, R. ‘The Diploma Disease’. Allen Unwin. 1976.
Earnshaw, H. G. ‘The Associated Examining Board for the General Certificate of Education: Origin and History’. AEB. Aldershot. 1974.
Ferguson, R. W. and Abbott, A. ‘Day Continuation Schools’. Bourneville and Isaac Pitman and Sons. 1935.
Finegold, D and Soskice, D. ‘Failure of Training in Britain Analysis and Prescriptions’. Oxford Review of Economics. 4, 3. Autumn 1988. Pages 21-53.
Foden, F. ‘Philip Magnus. Victorian Educational Pioneer’. ISBN 0 853 03044 8. Vallentine, Mitchell_London. 1970.
Foden, F. ‘The Examiner’. ISBN 0 907644 066. University of Leeds Studies in Continuing Education. 1989.
Foden, F. ‘The Education of Part Time Teachers in Further and Continuing Education’. ISBN 0 900 960 523. University of Leeds Studies in Continuing Education. 1992.
Foden, F, E. ‘The National Certificate’. Vocational Aspect of Secondary and FE. 3. 1951. Pages 38-46.
Gleeson, D. (Ed). ‘TVEI and Secondary Education a Cultural Appraisal’. OU. 1987.
Gordon, P. and Lawton. D. ‘Curriculum Changes in the 19th and 20th Century’. London. 1978. Pages 179-204.
Grant, A. ‘The Evils of Competitive Examinations’. Nineteenth Century’. 8 1880.
Gray, V. ‘Charles Knight. Educator, Publisher and Writer’. ISBN – 1020 7546 5219 X. Ashford. 2006.
Hartog, P. and Rhodes, E. C. ‘An Examination of Examinations’. International Institute Examinations Enquiry. Macmillian. 1935.
Hartog, P. J. ‘Examinations and their Relation to Culture and Efficiency’. 1918.
Haslegrave, H. K. ‘Report of the Committee on Technician Courses and Examinations’. London. 1969.
Hey, S. ‘The Central School Examination’. Manchester Education Committee. 1929.
Howat, G. M. D. ‘Oxford and Cambridge Examination Board 1873-1973’. OUP. 1973.
Hudson, D. and Luckhurst, K. W. ‘The Royal Society of Arts, 1754-1954’. London. John Murray. 1954.
Hutton, R. S. ‘Recollections of a Technologist’. London. Pitman. 1964.
Inkster, I. (Editor). ‘The Steam Intellect Society’. ISBN 1 85041 008 9. 1985.
Jeffery, G. B. (Ed). ‘External Examinations in Secondary Schools’. Harrop. 1958.
Jessop, G. ‘Outccomes. NVQS and the Emerging Model of Education and Training’. London. Falmer Press. 1991.
Lang, J. ‘City and Guilds of London Institute. Centenary 1878-1978’. ISBN 0 85193 007 7. CGLI 1978.
Lankester, E. B. ‘Examinations’. Universal Review. November 1888. Pages 403-413,
Latham, H. ‘On the Action of Examinations as a Means of Selection’. CUP. 1877. Pages 200+
Lauwerys, J. A. and Scanlon,D. G. (Eds). ‘The World Year Book of Education. Examinations’. 1969.
Lowndes, G. A. N. ‘The English Education System’. ISBN 10-00902245507. Hutchinson University Library. 1960.
Lownes, G. A. N. ‘The Silent Revolution’. An Account of the Expansion of Public Education in England and Wales 1895-1965. ASIN B00161JBE. OUP. 1969.
Mackinnon, D. ‘Education in the UK, facts and figures.’ ISBN 10-0750704500. Hodder and Stoughton/OU. 1999.
MacLeod, R. (Ed). ‘Days of Judgement’. ISBN 090 5484 150. Nafferton Book. Drifield N Humberside. 1982.
Maclure, J. S. ‘Educational Documents England and Wales. 1816-1967’. ISBN 412 07960 7. Chapman and Hall. 1968.
Magnus, P. ‘Education Aims and Efforts 1880-1910’. Longmans, Green and Company. 1911.
Magnus, P. ‘Industrial Education’. Kegan Paul Trench and Company. 1888.
Mansfield, B and Matthews, D, ‘Job Competence-A Description for use in Vocational Education and Training’. Work Based Learning Project. FESC. 1985.
Millis, C. T. ‘Technical Education, Its Development and Aims’. Arnold. 1925.
Mitchell, B. R. and Deane. P. ‘Abstract of British Historical Statistics.’ ISBN 10-0521057388. CUP. 1962.
Montague, F. C. ‘Technical Education’. A Summary of the Report of the Royal Commission’. Cassell and Company. 1887.
Montgomery, R. J. ‘Examinations’. Longmans. 1965.
Montgomery, R. J. ‘A New Examination of Examinations’. London. 1978.
MSC and DES. ‘Review of Vocational Qualifications in England and Wales’. London. HMSO. 1986.
NCVQ, ‘National Vocational Qualifications. Criteria and Procedures’. NCVQ. 1988.
NCQC. ‘GNVQs – Proposals for the New Qualification’. NCVQ. 1991.
NCQV. ‘NCVQ Information Note 4: Assessment in NVQs’. London. NCVQ. Nov. 1988.
NCCQ. ‘NCVQ, BTEC, CGLI and RSA Examinations Board’. London. NCVQ. 1995.
Payne, G. L. ‘Britain’s Scientific and Technological Manpower’. ASIN B0000CKMIX. Stanford University Press. 1960.
Peers, R. ‘Adult Education. A Comparative Study’. RKP. London. 1958.
Peters, A. J. ‘British Further Education. A Critical Study’. ISBN 10:0 080118933. Pergamon Press. 1967.
Praagh, G Van. ‘Henry Armstrong and Science Education’. ISBN 0 7195 2893 3. John Murray. 1973.
Priestly, B. ‘British Qualifications’. Kogan Page. 1977.
Richardson, W. A. ‘The Technical College’. ‘Its Organisation and Administration’. OUP. 1939.
Roach, J. ‘Public Examinations in England 1850-1900’. CUP. 1971.
Robinson, P. ‘Rhetoric and Reality:Britain’s New Vocational Qualification and its Centre for Economic Performance’. London. LSE. 1996
Roderick, G. W. and Stephen, M. D. (Eds). ‘The British Malaise. Industrial Performance Education and Training in Britain Today’. ISBN 0 905273 21 4. Falmer Press. 1982.
Roderick, G. W. and Stephen, M. D. ‘Education and Industry in the 19th Century’. ISBN 0 582 48719 6. Longmans. 1978.
Roderick, G. W. and Stephen, M. D. ‘Scientific and Technical Education in the 19th Century England’. ISBN 0 71535777 8. David and Charles Newton Abbot. 1972.
Royal Society, ‘Beyond GCSE’. London. Royal Society. 1991.
Sadler. M. E, ‘Essays on Examinations’. 1958.
Sadler, M. E. ‘Continuation Schools in England and Elsewhere’. ‘There Place in this Educational System of an Industrial and Commerce Studies’. Manchester University Press. 1907.
Sanderson, M. ‘The Missing Stratum. Technical School Education in England’. ISBN 0 485 11442 9. The Athlone Press 1994.
Schofield, R. E. ‘The Society of Arts and the Lunar Society of Birmingham’. Journal of RoA. Cvii. Pages 513+. c 1960s.
Sharp, P. R. ‘Whisky Money and the Development of Technical and Secondary Education in the 1890s’. Journal of Educational Administration and History. 4. 1971. Pages 31-36.
SOED 52. ‘Evaluation of TVEI Extension’ Edinburgh. SOEDID 1992.
Stephens, W. R. ‘Education in Britain 1750-1914’. ISBN 0 333-60511-X. Macmillan Press Ltd. 1998.
Stern, L. ‘Evaluation of GNVQs’. London NCVQ. 1996
TA. ‘The Concept of Occupational Competence’. Sheffield. Training Agency. 1988.
Thornley, J. C. and Hastings, G. W. (Eds). ‘Guilds of the City of London and their Liverymen’. The London and Counties Press Association. Ltd. 1911.
Valentine, C. W. ‘The Reliability of Examinations’. UoL Press. 1932.
Venables, E. ‘The Young Worker at College. A Study of a Local Tech’. Faber and Faber. 1967.
Venables, P. F. R. ‘Sandwich Courses for Technologists and Technicians’ Max Parrish. London. 1959.
Wellington, J. ‘The Work Related Curriculum’. London. Kegan Page. 1993.
Whitehead, F. ‘External Examinations Examined’. The Journal of Education. January. 1956.
Wiener, M. J. ‘ English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit 1850-1980’. ISBN 0-14-022662-1. Pelican. 1981. A excellent text.
Williams, G. ‘Recruitment to Skilled Trades’. RKP. London. 1957.
Williams, R. ‘The Long Revolution’. Penguin Book. 1961.
Wilson, J. P. ‘The Routledge Encyclopaedia of UK Education, Training and Employment.’ RKP. ISBN 978-0-415-55822-8. 2010.
Wiseman, S. (ed). ‘Examinations and English Education’. MUP. 1961.
Wood, H. T. ‘The History of the Royal Society of Arts’. Murray. 1913.
Excellent sources of information can be found on: >
> Gillard. D. ‘Education in England a brief history.’
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